Princess Margriet of the Netherlands and former US Secretary of
State Madeleine Albright were among high-profile guests attending the
ceremony for the launch of the Institute for Global Justice in The Hague
- International City of Peace and Justice.
The new Institute will become an independent knowledge centre in the field of international law, peace, security and social and economic development.
The Hague Institute for Global Justice (IGJ) aims to give concrete answers to international questions on issues where the lack of law and justice could lead to political, military, social or economic instability and inequality.
Authoritative top institute
Critics say the € 17.45 million made available by the government of the Netherlands last year for the foundation of the Institute for Global Justice could have been better invested in expanding existing institutes in the city. But Maria van der Hoeven, former Minister for Economic Affairs, said the IGJ will be an authoritative top institute in the field of peace, justice, security and development, making a vital contribution to the promotion of international justice."The foundation of the Institute is totally in line with the government’s vision for the international reinforcement of the Randstad conurbation. We must strengthen what is already strong internationally. The IGJ will promote the profile of The Hague as an international city. In economic terms, this is welcome as it will boost the city’s appeal as a business base. Furthermore, it will have an economic spin-off for the city", van der Hoeven said.
The Institute aims to synthesise the most innovative knowledge from national and international sources, by mobilising various disciplines, actors and geographic and cultural perspectives.
The Hague: base for new knowledge
Mayor Jozias van Aartsen said the IGJ will provide The Hague with an institute of global importance. "The strength of the existing institutes in The Hague relating to peace, justice, security and development will be combined and reinforced through the IGJ. The Hague will become the base for new knowledge, products and services that can provide a solution to the complex problems facing the world", said van Artsen.By assembling the best multidisciplinary knowledge and expertise that the world has to offer, The Hague Institute for Global Justice says it seeks to acquire a strong international competitive position.
Source: The Hague
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