Saturday, December 9, 1978

Golda Meir, 80, Dies in Jerusalem

Golda Meir, a one-time teacher in Milwaukee who became Prime Minister of Israel, died this afternoon at the age of 80.

Israelis Acclaim 'Stalwart Lioness'; Physicians Report Former Premier Had Leukemia for the Last 12 Years In a Coma in the Last Days Golda Meir Dies in Jerusalem Hospital at Age of 80 Begin to Stay in Oslo for Award Prayers and Eulogies Sunday.

Source: New York Times

Saturday, June 24, 1978

President of Yemen Reported Murdered

President Ahmed bin Hussein al-Ghashmi of Yemen was assassinated today in the explosion of a bomb hidden in a visiting diplomatic envoy's bag, the Iraqi press agency said.

The bomb exploded when the envoy, from adjoining Southern Yemen, opened the bag to produce a letter from the Southern Yemen leader, President Salim Rubayyi Ali.

The Yemen broadcast was quoted as having said the President Ghashmi "was killed from a quarter known for its perfidy against the nation and Allah".

Source: New York Times

Monday, February 27, 1978

Thursday, January 12, 1978

Police on Guard as Iran's Empress Dines At Waldorf While 200 Denounce the Shah

Several hundred police officers ringed the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel last night as Empress Farah Pavlevi of Iran attended a dinner party inside and 200 demonstrators outside, across Park Avenue, shouted: "Shah is a fascist butcher, down with the Shah!"

Source: New York Times

Monday, January 2, 1978


King Hussein of Jordan said today that he had seen nothing in the Israeli peace proposal offered to Egypt last week that could form the basis for a negotiated solution of the Arab-Israeli dispute.

Source: New York Times